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2018年01月02日 12:34:45    日报  参与评论()人

永泰县剖腹产哪家好福州全面妇科检查费用福州哪个医院治疗乳腺疾病权威 Its been said that that the first person on Mars is alive somewhere on earth today.据说,在火星上的第一个人今天仍然在地球上的某个地方活着。Imagine its you what do you need to know on might you get there what should you pack?想象你会到那里去,你需要什么,你该怎么打包?What are some of the must-see sights what should you avoid?什么是不容错过的景点,应当避免什么?Think of this as your personal travel guide to exploring the red planet.把这当作是你探索这颗红色行星的私人旅游指南。Mars has always had mystique.火星一直拥有神秘。Its one of the easiest planet to spot in night sky ,这是一个最简单的观望夜空的行星,a constant dot of red light moving through the heavens and now we know for sure that of all planets this red rocky one is the most similar to home.不断的红点穿越天空,现在我们知道,对于所有的行星而言,这颗红色的岩石就好像家一样。Here are polar caps in sunbake deserts, giant volcanoes ,mighty canyons.这里有沙漠的极地沙帽, 巨大的火山、神秘的峡谷。Mars even spins at about the same speed of earth making a martian day only about 40 minutes longer than hours.甚至火星旋转也和地球大约相同,而相比之下,火星的一天大约比地球多40分钟。注:听力文本来源于普特201204/177101Business Frankfurt Motor Show Autoficial intelligence商业 法兰克福车展 人工机动智能Where does the car end and the phone begin?传统汽车与智能手机交汇于何方?SHARON can park herself. At a signal from a smartphone, a system of tiny computers activates her engine, gearbox and steering—and she reverses smoothly into a parking space. Sensors stop her from bumping into other cars or people. Pilotless cars, such as the Volkswagen Sharan (nicknamed Sharon), are no distant dream. Many people at this weeks Frankfurt Motor Show were asking not only how the cars of the future will be powered, but who or what will drive them.SHARON汽车可以进行无人自动停车:先是由智能手机象其发送停车信号,后通过一个小型电脑系统驱动汽车的发动机、变速器和方向盘,然后便顺畅的自动驶进了泊位,而车辆的传感器则避免其撞上行人或其他车辆。无人驾驶汽车已不再只是遥远的梦想,一如大众的一款车:Sharan(昵称Sharon)。在这周的法兰克福车展上,很多人已不只是询问将来汽车将以何为能源,还得问问谁来驾驶。;Where does the car end and the phone begin?; asked Chris Anderson, the editor of Wired magazine, at a brain-storming session organised by Audi, a carmaker. A future car will be more like a computer on wheels, networked with the surrounding infrastructure and other vehicles. Even if it comes with a steering wheel, the ;driver; will have the Knight-Rider-esque option of being piloted while he -conferences, answers e-mails or looks on a screen at an annotated view of the world whizzing by.;传统汽车与智能手机将交汇于何处?;克里斯?安德森作为《连线》杂志的编辑,在参加汽车制造商奥迪公司举行的一场会议中的头脑风暴中如此发问。未来的汽车,其实更像一种带轮子的计算机,可以与周围的公共设施和交通工具紧密相连。就算方向盘依然健在,;司机;也可以选择一项有如;霹雳游侠;里的智能跑车KITT一样的模式,保汽车正常驾驶的同时,他可以进行电话会议,回电邮,或者盯着挡风玻璃上对飞掠而过的世界的注释。The threat to the taxi drivers parked outside the show is obvious. But Frankfurts cabbies are a sceptical bunch. Driverless taxis? Not in my lifetime, says one. ;Its science fiction,; scoffs another.而对于正泊车于展馆以外的出租车司机来说,威胁不言而喻。但法兰克福的的哥们对此集体持怀疑态度。有的说:;无人驾驶的出租车?我这辈子是看不到的。; 有人揶揄道:;这是科幻小说里的吧。;In tough times, many carmakers are innovating like fury. Some are recasting themselves as ;mobility service providers;. This means hawking car-related software and other add-ons. For example, for those who prefer to hire or share cars—as young city-slickers increasingly do—there is software to make them feel at home in any vehicle, by instantly switching the radio and other settings to their tastes. Some carmakers are also tempting buyers with more mundane services, such as priority parking or cheap deals on fuel (whether petrol, hydrogen or electricity). Or, to help them let off steam, they might offer an annual spin with that gas-guzzling sports-utility vehicle of their dreams.现在市场不景气,汽车制造商们纷纷钻研创新如痴如狂。有些把自己重新定位为;移动务提供者;,也就是说贩卖车用软件及附加产品,例如,有些人愿意租车或者几人共用一辆汽车——特别是越来越多的年轻小市民们喜好如此,有一种软件可以根据不同人的品味迅速切换收音机频道或者其他设备的设定,令他们不管在哪辆车里都觉得像在家里一样舒。有些汽车制造商还提供了更加实用的务以吸引消费者,比如提供停车优先权或者提供低价的燃料(不论是汽油,氢能源还是电)。再或者,有些汽车制造商可能还会一年组织一次急速试驾活动,提供油耗巨大的越野车(SUV),让消费者们过把瘾。Even in changing times, there is still plenty of the old passion for a flash motor. Thus the covetous sighs that greeted the new Ferrari 458 Spider (pictured), which was unveiled on September 13th. Alongside it was Ferraris first four-wheel drive, four-seater. ;Different Ferraris for different Ferraristi!; exclaimed Luca di Montezemolo, Ferraris boss. Even Volkswagens new single-seater electric commuter, with its narrow body and wide wheel-base, looks rather like a 1950s racing-car.就算时光流逝,人们对飞驰的汽车的热情一如既往不曾减退。发烧友们惊叹着迎接9月13日新上市的法拉利458型硬顶敞篷跑车,它的旁边则是法拉利的第一款四驱四座跑车。;不同的法拉利,献给不同的你!;法拉利的老板卢卡?蒂?蒙特泽路说道。而大众公司新推出的电力单座通勤车则拥有狭窄的车身和较宽的轮胎,看起来非常像20世纪50年代的赛车。 /201301/221486松溪县中医院做血常规检查

福州省妇幼保健院人流收费标准Why refrigerators hum?为何冰箱会发出声音?Why refrigerators hum,on toays moment of science.On the recent program we have discussed how fluorocarboncoolant cools your food by coming to a boil in coils hidden in your fridge.今天的科学一刻的主题是冰箱会发出声音的原因。在近期的节目中,在最近的节目中我们讨论了碳氟化合物冷却剂是如何通过在冰箱内置的盘管中达到沸腾状态来冷却食物的。How is this possible?这是如何实现的?When you boil water on the stove, you supply heat energy by turning on the burner. In your fridge, liquid coolant boils at very chilly temperatures, but it still requires heat energy. The coolant absorbs this heat energy from the air inside the fridge. By the time all the coolant has boiled and evaporated into gas, the fridge has reached Arctic temperatures.当你在炉子上烧水的时候,你会打开燃灶来提供热量。在你的冰箱内部,虽然液态冷却剂是在很低的温度下沸腾,但它仍然会需要热能。冷却剂吸收的热能来自于冰箱内的空气。当冷却剂沸腾并蒸发为气体后,冰箱内的温度就接近北极地区了。What happens when the temperature starts to rise again? In order to repeat this chilling performance, the gas coolant has to release heat energy and change back to liquid state. To release heat, the coolant is forced into a second set of coils outside the fridge, in back. Sometimes these coils feel pretty warm.当温度重新上升的时候会发生什么?为了重复前面的降温过程,气态的冷凝剂必须释放热能并转化为液态。而为了释放热能,冷却剂需要被排到冰箱后部裸露在外的螺旋管内。有时候,这些螺旋管摸起来会感觉相当热。How does the gas coolant that just chilled your fridge make the coils warm?这些刚才还用来降温的气态冷却剂,现在为何却能使管道发热了呢?The secrets in the refrigerators hum. That humming is a pump that compresses and warms the gas while forcing it into the coils. Its like pumping up a bicycle tire; the tire feels warm because youve compressed the air inside.秘密就在于冰箱的发出的声音。这种嗡嗡声来自于用来把冷却剂压缩到外部螺旋管并使它发热的一个压缩泵。就像给自行车胎打气一样,轮胎摸起来会有点热,因为你把空气压缩进去了。Through compression, the gas coolant in the coils has become warmer than room temperature and can now release its heat energy to the air. As it releases heat, the gas cools and condenses back to liquid state. When your fridge hums, its releasing heat energy and changing fluorocarbon back to liquid state. Then it can cool your food by coming to a boil once more.通过压缩,螺旋管内气态冷却剂的温度变得比室温更高,这样便可能把热量释放到空气中。在气体释放热量物同时,它会重新变回液体状态。当你的冰箱嗡嗡响时,它是在向外释放热量并把碳氟化合物冷却剂重新转为液态。这样它就可以再一次通过沸腾给你的食物降温了。 /201207/188786福州现代医院产前检查好吗 福州引产大约多少费用

福州市第七医院无痛人流要多少钱 Spotting these rings from a backyard telescope is a treat.从后院的望远镜观察这些土星环是一种不错的选择。In an instant, they can all but disappear when Saturn tilts toward the sun.在一瞬间, 当土星朝太阳倾斜他们会全部消失。The overwhelming thing that a US space tourist would be struck by is how incredibly thin they are.令人震惊的是美国的太空游客们也将会因其极为稀薄而受困。They are no thicker than about one or two stories in a modern day building.他们和当代建筑的一层或者两层相比不是很厚。Interested in seeing for yourself? Strap in, space travelers, its quite a ride.为看到自己感兴趣吗?系好安全带,太空旅行者们,这是一次非常快的旅程。After seven years and a billion miles of space, the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft faces its greatest challenge on June 30th, 2004.经过七年和十亿英里的太空旅程,在2004年6月30日,卡西尼·惠根斯航天器面临最大的挑战。注:听力文本来源于普特201206/185126永泰县打掉孩子多少钱闽侯县妇科整形多少钱




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